3 Keys To Prevent Burnout

You are not the only log in the fire place. Your mental health matters

'Wonuola Akintola
2 min readMar 25, 2023
Photo by Sacre Bleu on Unsplash

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress. It may present with physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and insomnia as well as irritability, feelings of cynicism, social withdrawal, reduced performance at work, anxiety and depression.

Preventing burnout requires several factors. It will help to keep the following three points in mind.

Awareness matters. ACKNOWLEDGE your feelings that indicate your health is being compromised in any way. Dismissing warning signs of exhaustion is allowing weeds to take deeper roots. This may vary for each person, physically, mentally or emotionally. Early intervention may prevent complications.

Break the cycle. BOUNDARIES will be required. What you do or don’t will determine if the detrimental cycle continues. It may be excessive or unrealistic demands at home, work or socially. Start practising saying “no” to demands at the expense of your well being. Breaking the cycle may be difficult alone and connecting with healthy support helps.

Connect to correct. CHANGE from an unhealthy trajectory to a healthier one, requires realigning with infusions of life. Connect with others that energize your mind, and those who will strengthen you in making healthier choices. This includes engaging with professional help if indicated.

Please make time for self care.




'Wonuola Akintola

Emotion Focused Mental Health Speaker, Writer & Trainer | Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist | Freedom Advocate