'Wonuola Akintola
2 min readMar 22, 2023


The Purpose Of Conversation

What is the purpose of conversation?

An understanding of the word helps to know if you are having a conversation or not, should that be what is desired or planned.

The word “conversation” stems from two Latin words:

com meaning “together” and versare meaning “to turn.”

Therefore conversation literally means “turning together”. This implies at least two parties being involved.

Effective listening would help to know what the other person’s perception is, align differing views towards pulling together in a mutually desired direction.

Clarity of communication would help relay opinions and views, to enhance understanding of thoughts and plans.

Serving and returning activity, ensues when conversation is initiated. A similar activity to that encouraged by Harvard university, for the child’s developing brain.

Together parties involved align emotions and thoughts in words. Mutual understanding and appreciation of shared views energizes and empowers the minds involved, to pull together and turn in unison towards an agreed goal. Conversation ultimately enables an effective turning together towards shared values.

Where there is no togetherness and no turning together, it’s not a conversation.

A conversation has not taken place when the outcome is a disagreement, or there has been a monologue. If a conversation was desired effective communication skills would need to be actively engaged.

Conversation helps convergence not divergence, even if towards a unified disagreement.

What do you think of “agreeing to disagree”?



'Wonuola Akintola

Emotion Focused Mental Health Speaker, Writer & Trainer | Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist | Freedom Advocate